Our Coffee

We use two varieties of Coffee bean grown high in the Jinotega region of Nicaragua. Caturra and Maragogype beans, both which are a specialty Arabica bean know for the smooth flavor and crisp profile. Our coffee is roasted fresh every week. The coffee is grown in the mountains of Jinotega under the shade of banana and cocoa plants. 

The Caturra is sweeter with crisp acidity and gentle on the palette. We roast it at a medium roast to bring out the lemon/chocolate profile. 

The Maragogype bean also know as the "Elephant Bean" is a rare Arabica, first produced in Northeast Brazil. Due to their size, roasting these beans takes a certain finesse, focus and skill to get them just right. And we’ve done just that. The attributes that stick out most are how sweet and delicate it is—it’s soft, but with a really nice tart finish. This bean is a low volume producer making it hard to grow and in return the availability can be scarce. Get it while we have it!

Here is our Coffee Varieties: 

  • Breakfast Blend - Light Roast. Mix of Caturra and Maragogype beans.
  • House Blend - Medium Roast. Straight Caturra beans.
  • Black Mountain - Dark Roast. Mix of Caturra and Maragogype beans
  • Premium Mara - Medium Roast. Straight Maragogype beans. 
  • All Natural Decaf - Medium/Dark Roast. Water washed, decaffeinated process.


Better Life Coffee Brewing